" Industrial design - Demcon advanced mechatronics

industrial design.

In high-tech product development, industrial design engineering revolves around the interaction between the intended user and the product. This includes appearance, functionality and user expectations. We use our imagination to translate the dreams of our customers into a vision of what is possible, setting tangible goals for further development. For this, we focus on ergonomics, aesthetics, user-friendliness and safety, drawing on our knowledge of integrated product design, materials, manufacturing technologies, interaction design and user experience.


  • integrated product design
  • materials and manufacturing technologies


  • UI/UX design and prototyping
  • 3D modelling, rendering, animation

user experience design.

Within the field of mechatronic systems engineering, we specialize in electronics for fast, flexible, high-bandwidth motion control. We also design electronics for computing, communication and user interfacing. Small products such as wearables require electronics with challenging form factors. For its design, we draw on our experience with miniaturization, sensor fusion, ultralow-power technology and wireless communication, including cloud and IoT connectivity. At the other end of the power spectrum, we work on high-current electronics for large-scale facilities and power electronics for new energy systems.


Irene van Eerden.

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cross-pollination and knowledge sharing.

As a broad, generalist expertise, industrial design promotes multidisciplinary cross-pollination and knowledge sharing. We have common ground with disciplines such as mechatronic systems engineering for concept development, mechanical engineering regarding 3D shaping and manufacturability, and software engineering concerning the user interface design. Our commitment covers every stage of product development, from concept design to systems engineering and, ultimately, production engineering.




all expertises


data science & machine learning





optics & vision

quality & regulatory compliance

software architecture & design

system architecture & design

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