" Mechatronics - Demcon advanced mechatronics


Mechatronics, the integration of mechanics, electronics, software and control, is key to the success of the Dutch high-tech industry. This multidisciplinary expertise is at the heart of our DNA and has enabled our growth into a full-service design house that develops high-quality, innovative, complex systems and products. We have specialized in the mechatronic challenges centered around dynamics and motion control, with precision specifications running into the nanometer range.


  • dynamics & control
  • stiff & light-weight, degrees of freedom


  • energy management and thermal control
  • actuating, sensing and signal processing

design principles.

We master the design principles for accurate positioning and movement. These include stiff yet light-weight construction, proper control of the degrees of freedom, and energy management. To extend system performance, we maximize the eigenfrequencies and create statically constrained designs that exhibit neither play nor wear. We focus on a thermalization, making the critical part of a construction temperature-insensitive, to limit the impact of thermal effects. In addition, we can make our designs energy-efficient, for example by applying active or passive gravity compensation.


Irene van Eerden.

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in control.

Following customer needs, we make a trade-off between performance, cost and manufacturability. We can create an advanced mechanical design that requires only a simple control. Conversely, we can simplify the mechanical design, while still meeting the specifications, by getting the most out of the control, using machine learning if necessary. We always seek to optimize a system design, for example its mass distribution, to increase the controllability. We know about sensing and actuating and can make use of combined, compact components, such as piezos. This helps us to address miniaturization challenges.




all expertises


data science & machine learning


industrial design



optics & vision

quality & regulatory compliance

software architecture & design

system architecture & design

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