" Evaluation kit Macawi Turbine Blower - Demcon macawi respiratory systems

evaluation kit turbine blower.

To give you a headstart in your ventilator development, we have created an evaluation kit. With this plug & play evaluation kit you can easily test the performance of the Macawi product and adapt relevant ventilation parameters during the indesign engineering process.

the evaluation kit includes

  • The Macawi product, peripherals and usb stick with test software
  • Extensive IFU (Instruction For Use) of the Macawi product
  • A technical kick-off session with our customer support engineer
  • Continued online technical support during your development process

request the evaluation kit.

To start testing with the evaluation kit, you will need a computer with Windows OS and a 24V DC power supply. These items are not included in the evaluation kit.

If you have any further questions regarding the evaluation kit, contact us at:
+31(0)88 – 115 24 00

Full PDF view of the specifications
request the evaluation kit.

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You can request the kit below. By requesting the kit you are not committing to any purchases or products. We will contact you through e-mail about the next steps and the prices involved.

Please fill in the form below to download this file. Please note the download will be sent by email.