In 2020, during the hectic early days of the pandemic, intensive care units faced a serious shortage of ventilation equipment for corona patients. At the request of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), Demcon rapidly developed the DemcAir ventilation system.
The DemcAir was based on the unique ventilation technology developed by Demcon macawi respiratory systems for use with every patient, from premature infants to adults. The separate ventilation modules had been in production at Demcon for many years for supply to foreign respiratory system manufacturers. Now, for the first time, Demcon developed a complete ventilation system itself, for a domestic client.
Demcon developed the DemcAir system within four weeks and delivered a total of 500 systems to VWS. Fortunately, the peak of corona patients had leveled off and the DemcAir did not need to be deployed. Since then, the systems have been in storage. Recently, VWS decided to donate them to Ukraine. Demcon was requested to service the systems and replace parts where needed.
Last month a team from Demcon location Best performed the service with the help of colleagues from other locations. All systems were tested and parts replaced where necessary. VWS had set a deadline of June 1 to be ready for shipment; thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of the Demcon employees, May 17 everything was ready for shipment.